Friday, November 11, 2011

The Joys of Geocaching

Today, I took a much-needed mental health day off.  It's been quite the day.

I've been reading Maphead by reigning Jeopardy! champion Ken Jennings.  It's a really fascinating read.  Today's chapter was all about Geocaching, something that I'd never heard of until today.  As soon as I read about it in the book, I went right home and created myself an account.  Then, I downloaded the Android app (which has the privilege of being the first paid app I've ever downloaded.)

The app is cool; once you've logged in, you can use the GPS system in your phone to locate Geocaches close to your current location.  I discovered that one is located right on the creek trail that runs behind our apartment complex!

So, I saddled up the dachshund and asked the app to show me a map.  It's cool; it shows the location of the cache and your current location, and a straight line connecting the two.  It also shows your distance from the cache in meters.

I walked along the creek trail (a path I have walked hundreds of times) like I was seeing it for the first time.  I wasn't just going for a walk; I was hunting for hidden treasure!  The trail is simply full of possible hiding spots, so I had to really be disciplined and look at the distance that I was from the cache before hunting around like a weirdo.  (We wouldn't want muggles- non-geocachers- to mess up the place.)  Ringo and I went off the beaten path- he looked for squirrels and I looked for the cache.
My first geocache!

Since it was my first time, and I wasn't sure what I should be looking for, I had to ask the app to give me a hint.  The hint told me it should be about 4.5 feet off the ground- which was enough for me to discover the cache hidden inside a tree!

I yelled out, "Oh, I found it!" and Ringo dutifully wagged his tail, though I'm sure he would have been more excited if the cache had contained dinner.

Inside the cache was a small log book and some kind of European coin.  Silly me; in my rush to get out and hunt, I left my pen behind!  I will just have to bring Scott back, let him find the geocache, and then I can sign the log myself.

I am excited to pursue this hobby because it can be as easy or as difficult as I want it to be.  Finding more reasons to be outside discovering new things is always wonderful.