Sunday, August 21, 2011

Wearing Ridiculous Shoes

Well, it's finally happened.  After a year of marriage to Scott, he's finally gotten me to purchase the ridiculous five finger shoes.  We spent the morning walking around Stanford, and I was wearing my usual flip-flops.  My feet hurt so bad when we got home that I could hardly walk.  I decided it was high time to give my feet some TLC (I do, after all, get regular pedicures, why wouldn't I want comfy, foot-friendly shoes?)

So, we headed off to Zombie Runner and tried on some shoes.  At first, I just tried on the regular-looking minimalist shoes, being wary of the toe shoes.  But Scott tried on a new pair of toe shoes and was raving about them so much that I figured I should at least try them.

Sure enough, they're pretty amazing.  And not actually all that offensive to the eyes (mine are pink):

So there you have it.  Scott is turning me in to a fashion disaster.  Soon I will need to go on "What Not to Wear" because I'll have forgotten that plaids and stripes actually clash.


  1. Ok. These are very stylish. If he tries to get you to wear a hat and carry a walking stick at the same time please call. I'll talk you down :)

  2. I love these! You did a good job picking out a cool-looking pair. You match, it's a lovely thing. =)
